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Ebony & Connor Puppies

Date of Birth:  11/16/2021
7 Total

Sire: Connor

Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies

Congratulations Melissa Sowder on your new girl

Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies
Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies

Congratulations Jennifer
Marks from Cincinnati  on her new girl!  2nd time around!

Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies
Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies

Congratulations Johathan Sederberg on your new
boy Cobalt

Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies
Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies

Cally Nordstrom on
your new boy Carl.

Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies
Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies

Congratulations Rondi
Jo Biloff and Ryan on 
their new boy Cheif.

Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies
Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies

Congratulations Chris
Sager family on their
new boy Dax

Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies
Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies

Shawnna Horton
family on your
new boy Tahoe.

Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies
Champion Australian Shepherds producing companion and show puppies
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